PicLint - the utility

When writing assembly for the Pic Microcontrollers, you can run into a few problems, one of which is register bit errors. It is fairly easy to switch the wrong bit in the wrong register and there are absolutely no warnings from the assembler. You can write bcf SSPSTAT, SSPOV when the correct code is actually: bcf SSPCON, SSPOV.

PicLint attempts to parse your assembly language code file and check or "lint" the code. It depends on Microchip's include files being used and #included properly in your code. Generally speaking if the code doesn't assemble, then PicLint is likely to give odd results.

Piclint v1.0a - Download. I'm using Google Drive so just click "File" and then "Download" to download the file.

The utility works under Unix and Windows and uses Gnu AWK to process the files. If you find a bug in the program or find it useful drop me an email me on gmail.com, username falling174fps (I hope that giving email addresses in that format keeps the spammers away)...

For Windows

Windows users should not that this is a command line program - ie: it runs in the cmd.exe shell. On Windows, I've included both gawk.exe for Windows (from the UnxUtils package available from SourceForge) and a batch file to help you run the utility. You can run piclint.bat from the command line or just double click on it in Windows Explorer. The latter method adds the right folder to the search PATH and changes directory to your Microchip project folder if it possibly can.

For Unix

Unix users don't have a helper program as yet - I'll get around to that real soon.


piclint -h         (Run with help)
piclint -w mycode.asm     (Run against mycode.asm with warning).